Welcome from Father Dave


Thanks for visiting our webpage, the online home of St. Michael's. You are welcome to worship with us on Sunday mornings (10 am) or on a special feast day or holiday. Or, if you are looking for community, you can be a part of one of our many fellowship events: cookouts, dinners, baseball outings, family fun nights (check our calendar regularly). No need to bring anything but yourself. Or, if you would like to help us serve our wider community, please join us for Marie's Mission, our diaper distribution ministry (on the third Saturday of every month, from 10 am - noon). We are very family friendly, and there are also plenty of individual members from all walks of life too. There is a place for you (and your family) at St. Michael's, and we welcome you as you are, no matter where you come from.  

But perhaps you are here searching for something else.  

You might be asking primary questions about church: Why go to church in the first place? What is this place all about?  How can this change my life? What do we teach? Who is Jesus, and why is his story important?

Or, maybe you are asking personal questions: Why is life so hard sometimes? How can I cope after the death of a loved one? Where am I going in life?  

Or, maybe you are concerned with the "big picture:" Why do bad things happen to good people?  Global warming, terrorism, genocide, racism, massive poverty: how can humanity survive?  

We are here for you, in asking and trying to answer those questions, together in both prayer and action.We seek Jesus Christ's way - the way of love for God and all of humanity - in everything we do. If you want to ask your questions before you join us, or if you have a request for prayer, please feel free to email me directly, at dwoessner@stmichaelsontheheights.org.  

I hope to see you soon at St. Michael's.

Christ's Peace,

Fr. Dave Woessner+