You can make a difference!  Donations to St Michael's maintain our works in the world, our care for each other, and the greater Worcester community.  You can make your donation into our general funds or designate them for a specific cause or activity.

Each Episcopal Parish is self-supporting.  What we spend, we must raise.  Your donation is vital so that we can continue to minister to each other and Worcester.  Donations can also be tied to a specific purpose, such as flowers in memorial of a loved one, a donation to our diaper ministry, or for some other purpose.  


Your donation allows us to maintain our service to each other and the Worcester community.  This money will be used to sustain our parish and each other.


Stewardship is all about taking care of the church.  If you would like to know more about why stewardship is so important, please click below.

Why Stewardship is so important